The Porch goes to School!
November 21, 2019
The Cure Porch on Wheels went to school this week!
On Thursday we took the Porch to the Saranac Lake High School where the health classes learned about TB and the origins of Winter Carnival! Each of the three classes squeezed onto the Porch, where students got to experience what it was like to take the cure. The classes were taught by a student teacher, who presented about the origins of Winter Carnival and its benefits to TB patients. Thank you Rachel, Katie, and Laura for such a fun day at school!
The Cure Porch on Wheels went to school this week!
On Thursday we took the Porch to the Saranac Lake High School where the health classes learned about TB and the origins of Winter Carnival! Each of the three classes squeezed onto the Porch, where students got to experience what it was like to take the cure. The classes were taught by a student teacher, who presented about the origins of Winter Carnival and its benefits to TB patients. Thank you Rachel, Katie, and Laura for such a fun day at school!
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